Monday, November 21, 2011

Beauty/Style: Why do Most Men called Attractive have Huge Jaws?

There was a discussion about this in one of my film classes. It seems like most or all leading men or the prototypical leading man has a giant/large jaw.

Brad Pitt

Eric Bana

Viggo Mortensen

Will Smith


Do girls/women actually like this? And why?Beauty/Style: Why do Most Men called Attractive have Huge Jaws?
I think its gorgeous, the chiseled features look so masculine. Brad Pitt is sooo gorgeous. So handsome. And we like it because it suits men well (most of the time). ???Beauty/Style: Why do Most Men called Attractive have Huge Jaws?
Super hero type of a man..that every woman wants to be rescued by..mmm
you can survive more uppercuts with a strong jaw. Since time immemorial man has always favoured the uppercut
haha thats so sexyyyy !
i LOVE it. i think a well defined, not necessarily huge jaw makes someone look a lot more beautiful. but that is just my opinion, i'm sure a lot of people think the opposite to me.
It's considered more masculine and defined than a flabby or very round face. Just look back in the day when men were manly and women were womanly
Uber - Masculine

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