Monday, November 21, 2011

Everyone gives physical beauty a big preference in love but beauty fades in time? 10 pts ?

then after a certain age..every hot guy is gonna look like a faaart abd every gorgeous women would have wrinkles in her face..then how come you'll still love that person?

is that why divorce happens by escaping with stating other reasons?

men and women are always just hungry for plain sex and seductive appearance?why do they behave like desparate pugs and animalsEveryone gives physical beauty a big preference in love but beauty fades in time? 10 pts ?
I disagree with the majority of what you said. Not everyone relies heavily on physical beauty, and to each person what is physically beautiful to one may not be to another. Men and women are not always hungry just for sex and seductive appearances, not by a long shot. Sometimes? Sure. Divorce goes so much deeper than physical appearance...I couldn't even begin to describe to you how much deeper.

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