Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Should I enter my daughter in beauty pageants?

Everyone I know tells me she would be perfect for them. She really is gorgeous. She is a asian/spanish/italian/irish mix! Anyways I don't know. Some people say it's good for their self esteem but I'm not sure........ Any opinions?Should I enter my daughter in beauty pageants?
i personally would not allow my kid to do those things UNLESS she was old enough to ask to do it. Prancing a Lil girl around in makeup and dresses belittles women gives them the ideal women have to be skinny and pretty and perfect it's gross to me. If you wanna do that get a pet put them in a dog show you don't do that to kids as for self esteem i think it teaches em to be spoiled bratty girls who think they are better then everyone else. BESIDES those things pervets go to those shows to see young girls dressed all up ';gag'; want nasty minded men drooling over her?Should I enter my daughter in beauty pageants?
I placed my daughter in a baby contest and I could not believe how cut throat and biased it was. The parents behaved as if it was their contest. Also, money talks and the rest walks. Sponsorship is the economic wheel that makes the contests turn. The more money a child brings in through sponsorship, the more apt to being selected.

My daughter is gorgeous as well, but her father and I decided not to enter her into any contests. If she wished to compete after she turned 18 fine, but not before.
you really have to be careful if u do enter her in it
It seems harmless and fun for the girl.

You shouldn't worry about prancing your girl around like it is an object. If you don't feel that way, your daughter won't feel that way. It's how you raise your child that counts.
you are right it is no good for her self esteem if she doesnt win. and even if she does do you want her to think her looks are all she is good for? i would say no. i hope that helps.x
It's up to you, but I wouldn't. You need to teach your children that beauty comes from with in.
You know what, don't listen to anyone telling you that you are stupid or any other insults that you get on here. I asked a similar question and I was all of a sudden a selfish, shallow person and was screwing my daughter up.


If she wants to do it, then let her. I have never heard of a true case of a child being raped or killed as a direct result of a beauty pagent. And before anyone says Jon Benet Ramsey, there is no proof that the pagents are what caused her to be murdered.

I see absolutely nothing wrong with it at all. In fact my daughter is going to be in one next week.

She is your daughter, you don't need these strangers approval for this.

IM me if you want to compare pagent stories.

Now all you fuddy duddys, give me my thumbs downs!! I know you can't wait to do it!
Depends how old she is, and wether or not you're willing to accompany her, to them. It is some times good for the self esteem. But not always. But if you really want her to feel appreciated, do it- don't let the JonBennet Ramsey mystery discourage you. Be cautious, but don't be discouraged. most of all, make sure the pageants are legit.
well for one thing i've heard it is expensive to do. if she wants to do it ok...i wouldnt let my daughter do it. if she is really that gorgeous maybe you could try modeling instead. i know they always have the cutest kids in magazines and such.
No. Such things are out-dated and are of no value...
if she wants to
no... unless you want to instill values in your child emphasizing the importance of outer beauty. there are many better activities that she can excel in that will allow her to display her inner beauty.
My daughter did pageants when she become a teenager. At first, she loved it...begged to do more...but as the years pasted she grew tired of it....and as disappointed as I was....I didnt make her continue. Pageants can be fun and build self esteem if the child wants to do them. My dtr earned numerous titles...and with those titles came scholarships for college....she had all her college paid for by pageant awards. I have boxes and boxes of crowns, trophies, and medals. She doesnt pay much attention to them anymore. Periodically, I take care of a couple little girls for a friend of mine.....they love playing dress up with all her crowns...there are no child pageants in the area I live in now. Maybe you could start out with a small local pageant (check with local malls, they have small ones with multiple age groups) and see if she likes it.....the fees are usually minimal or free for these type pageants. If she liked it....move to another one....if not....at least she tried. Good luck and God Bless.
I say let her do it and back her up 100% but make sure it doesn't all go to her head.
Ask her what she wants.
Don't make her do it. Only if she wants to. And only do it for fun. Don't let it get out of control. Keep her safe and happy. FUN, FUN, FUN!!!!
Jon Benot Ramsey

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