Minimum 5'8, at least a 4 pack, wells-defined chest, able to fill out boxer-briefs well, tight butt and smooth in the right places.
As well has a women's version of FHM/Maxim etc where intelligent, funny articles are published. And more tasteful.
By the way, I like the women's studies category!Should we set up standards of beauty for men too?
why not..?Should we set up standards of beauty for men too?
I say to each his own. If a guy cannot groom himself, he's a loser and no self-respecting lady should stay with him or dream of changing him. Report Abuse
I think more women need to wake up to the fact that when they are too eager to give it up to every guy, they actually create a situation in which these men think they dont have to impress anyone, only drop their pants. Women do the same thing though, once they get married, they think they dont have to impress their husbands anymore. This is a sick way of thinking, and its no wonder so many people are unhappy in their marriages.
We have their is a market for hair color and styling products just for men. They do have to look good look at how many men get manicures and go to the spa. Their called metrosexuals. That queer show gay eye for a straight guy or whatever.
You can try, but will people follow them? Maybe. Will the suicide rate go up? Yep. Will the US become the new Sodom and Gammorah and be destroyed? Hopefully. Will people flame you for these new facist sounding ideas? Yes.
Women have their own definition of a ';hottie';.
But women do have standards for men, we just don't go on about it 24/7.
HTH : )
Oh oh oh I know. Let's do one where we set unrealistic standards for men's financial solvency!!
And then we could have books called The Rules about how to get a man to marry you. And then we could lay claim to half that money when we divorce them!!!
By the way stop conforming to patriarchal linguistic standards.. it's womyn's studies. We made a new one and are making them conform to it.
There are objective standards that can determine the beauty of the *masculine* as well as the *feminine|*
But do not look to modern societal standards for this||
Do not look to the Hollywood star or the runway model|
That is all a *fake* superficial beauty|| || ||
What I am talking about is a beauty that comes from the *inside out|* - that comes from the depths of a person and radiates through the skin to the outside|
That is *true* beauty|
It is based upon Aristotle's principle that the soul is the form of the body, so the form (which is deeper here than mere shape) of the body indicates the state of the soul
This is particularly indicated on the *face* where the personality can be discerned by the observant|
Now true beauty of soul translates into true beauty of body, since what is in the soul radiates to the body
It cannot be according to the standards indicated in the question above because that is all according to the paradigm of the *fake beauty* of this culture|
So a virtuous man or a virtuous woman is beautfiful in the *true sense of the word* - as beauty - as defined by St. Thomas Aquinas - is that which pleases or delights when apprehended|
Well, don't be mad at guys, be mad at the media. Yes, there are stupid guys who look for women to look like porn stars, but most guys like the women look for the most part. I mean, there are so many women who get all fussed about since they have a little extra skin, and they notice these things in themselves, wheras most guys don't even see the flaw, don't care, or genuinely likes the way the look. It's the magazines and media that show air brushed, super model women, that are idealized. They are beautiful, but as beautiful as they are, they are not that perfect as what is shown in magazines from air brusin, tons of top of the line makeup, hairstylists, and most importantly lighting can make a huge difference. So what is reallly being shown is a ';perfect'; ';ideal';, ';fake'; presence of women who are beautiful of course, but with all these components completely flawless, thus not real.
No , all people are buetifull
There already ARE standards for men. What looks are to men is a mans ability to provide to a woman. Since a man does not need to be lean and good musceled anymore, indicating a good hunter likely to bring home a lot of meat, a mans wallet became more important while the importance of his looks keep fading.
Doesn't matter how tall, they just need to look similar to a sculpture
Is your head in the sand. Men don't put any more emphasis on looks then women do.
What a strange, fanciful world you must live in. Men aren't held to any physical standards? Puh-lease.
Not only are men held to physical standards, but also to financial standards. A lot of women expect to be ';taken care of'; while they attach their suckers to a rich man. Putting on some makeup would seem to be a lot less taxing than hosting a leech.
We already have standards of beauty and for men it is very unrealistic.
What you have described is PART of what preditory women judge men by in ';women'; magazines on the so called ';mr right';.
Those are neither intelligent, funny or even tasteful.
It represents the deaply disturb and over competative society of aging people who are obsessed with looks with no clue as to what a quality relationship is.
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