Thursday, July 22, 2010

What is love? Can it exist without beauty?

I feel that we judge people by beauty, even if we don't want to, we do.

It usually works subconsciously, we just make small judgments about people. And when that truth is applied to yourself, it feels at once unjust and shallow.

Attraction just works that way. I think a person's beauty is enhanced by what we think of their personalities, but they have to be decent enough to catch our eye and satiate our need for beauty.

What is love? Can it exist without beauty?

';For God Himself has taught you to love one another';. (1 Thessalonians 4:9)

God didn't just create love, He is love! Trace love all the way back to its source, and there is God. So when you invite God into your heart, you have the very love of God inside you to show toward others. Unlike God, who has no sinful nature, your sinful nature will always try to extinguish this love. You must learn how to love by constantly keeping your sin nature in check so that your love for others will be clearly seen. And as you reflect on God's love for you and receive it for yourself, you will grow in your ability to love those you do not even like.


The quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit; loveliness.

When read carefully, these two words have the same meaning.What is love? Can it exist without beauty?
Personally, I think that if we put all the eligible bachelors and bachelorettes behind a screen and only let them talk to each other, without being able to ask for self-descriptions, then many of the people that would be looked upon as the most attractive would those who normally no one would even talk to. Naturally, if I see someone who looks good, I go and talk to them, but even if I see someone who doesn't look so good, I go talk to them too and I usually enjoy that conversation better than the other.

To me, what really defines beauty isn't the outward appearance of a person, though it does help. Beauty is the personality of the person, how they act, think, talk... everything. Appearance is only the second, possibly third, most important thing about a person.

Love needs only that first attraction to a persons personality. Love is not sight oriented, that's lust. Love doesn't always have to be about sex, you can love a friend as much as a girlfriend or wife. In fact, my girlfriend is my best friend, and I don't think about her as a sex toy or an object of lust, I think of her as my friend. I LOVE her, I don't lust her. Those are two very different things that have become mingled in today's society. Now, I'm only 18, so you can't claim age to be the reason for my ';old-fashioned'; ideas about love (because I know that some people who read this will), I came up with these thoughts on my own.
Beauty is what usually attracts us to one another but it is personality that will make the relationship last forever. Beauty may not last forever either.
True, it's hard to love someone not good lookin', but even Hitler was married. Although true love and lust never exist at the same time, I think you're right. Physical Attraction is usually a small part of love, but in the end, it usually doesn't matter at all.

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