Monday, July 26, 2010

What is the role of beauty in a world dominated by computers?

answersWhat is the role of beauty in a world dominated by computers?
I suppose if you consider personality or expression as an aspect of beauty you could say it plays a role, but that's stretching it too far I think. Your question is more of a good point than a question. I'll be absolutely honest and say there's probably a bunch of people I'd never even talk to if I met them on the street (and vice-versa), but yet I answer questions they ask on here like it's nothing. It's an interesting subject now that you bring it up.What is the role of beauty in a world dominated by computers?
Unfortunately in this world, beauty is perceived to be a trait of a superior person. TV has a lot to answer for.
very good question!!

i don't have an answer but i'm starring this one!!

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